John WippCurrirculum Vitae
Spectacolore, detail, Svaneskolans Lecture theatre in Lund 1970-71
1952-53 Barkdrum and Snowround, Eggtempera on wall respectively Stucco lustro, Bollstabruk elementary school, Ångermanland
1954 Street painting (temporary) for Stockholms city 700-year Jubilee, intersection of Norrlandsgatan and Biblioteksgatan
1955 Viktoria, mosaic, Husensjö school, Helsingborg
1956 Striped swots, sgraffito, elementary school in Klippan (nowadays an Upper secondary school)
1957 Frieze in false sgraffito with tempera, Västra Skrävlinge Parish hall (nowadays Sofielunds Parish hall ), Malmoe
1957-58 Jungleinterior, mosaic, indoor swimming bath, Kiruna
1961 Sun at the waterfront, mosaic, entrance to a high rise building, Limhamn
1962 The Sun-The lifegiver, concrete relief, Helgeand Church, Malmoe
1963 Drifting Clouds, mosaic at the entrance to Trelleborg Hospital
1964 Polygurer, mosaic on concrete pillars at entrances to high rise buildings in Rosengård, Malmoe (destroyed)
1965 Threat or promise, enamel, The Goverments Institution for Radiation, Karolinska, Stockholm
1965 Marks, enamel, Björnkulla rehabilitation center, Huddinge
1966 Earth as a round, mosaic, Värnhem school, Malmoe
1967 Skimmer, sandblast concretepillars, Klostergården, Lund
1969 Reliefs on concrete pillars, Malmoe
1970-71 Spectacolore, artistic creation, mixed media, Svaneskolans lecture theatre, Lund
1971 Little Boats in tree tops, enamel paint aluminium, indoor swimming bath, Norrköping
1972 Song, sandblast concrete pillars, Rinkeby school, Stockholm
1973 Enamel painting on blinders, parking house, Malmoe
1974 The Brushes, polycrom sculptur polyester, Målarstugan nursery school, Lund
1974 The Clouds, The Hills, The Rainbow and The vault of Heaven, oil on canvas glued on aluminium, Lindängen school, Malmoe (destroyed)
1976 Sgraffito entrance, Malmoe (destroyed)
1976 Cultivating-Growing, brick reliefs, entrance Office Building Tre Skåne, Rosengård, Malmoe
1978 Creative design and paintings, Vårberga and Klövervallen nursery schools, Malmoe
1978 Artistic creation of corridor, mixed media, Dalhem School, Helsingborg
1979 Brick relief, Malmoe
1980 Paintings and Theater scen in Tegelstugan nursery school, Veberöd
1980 Large Bath Towel Landscape, sgraffito Stora Södergatan 45-47, Lund
1980 Polykrom relief, mixed media, Marieberg LM-School, Umeå
1980 Almost at the edge, polykrom relief, akrylic on plywood, Staff dining room, Karlskrona Hospital
1982 Enamel aluminium, Tofta school, Munka-Ljungby
1982 Nailed and established, games at Klara sjö, stucco lustro in the foajé of The Departement of Industry- and Trading, Stocholm
1982-83 Polycrome painting on canvas, glued on plywood, Stockholms läns landstings Health University Collage, Stockholm
1984 Artistic creation of entrance, akrylic on plywood and steel, Ystad Prison
1985 Artistic creation of Kristinehallen, Falun
1985 Shadows, akrylic on concrete shield and painted weathercock, Vitberg outdoor bath, Skellefteå
1986 The Vault of Night and Day, sgraffito, and The Well of Knowledge, brick relief, Spyken, Lund
1986 Brick relief on entrance front, Limhamn
1987 Meaning and Courage, stucco lustro, Inst. for cytological- and molecular biology (CMB), Karolinska, Solna
1988 Waterhole, stucco lustro and akrylic on plywood, IBM´s Office building, Göteborg
1989 Brick relief, HSB´s Office building, Malmoe
1991 Brick relief on entrance front, Hässleholm
1992 Mirrored Pillars, painting and relief in mixed media, and akrylic on plywood at The emergency ward, Sankt Görans Hospital, Stockholm
1993 Sgraffito on entrance front, Långebrogatan 38, Kristianstad
1994 Through Time and Room, bric relief and enamel aluminium, Airo engineering plant, F5, Ljungbyhed
1994-95 Formation of Environmental House with brick reliefs, Smyckegatan, Västra Frölunda, Gothenburg
The years astimated the conclusion of the work
John Wipp and Jan Torsten Ahlstrand.
John WippCurrirculum Vitae